Many people assume that cats and dogs are enemies, but these species can sometimes live together. The most important thing is matching your cat with a dog of equivalent size. Cardigan Welsh corgis meet this basic requirement, but you must also consider each dog’s unique temperament.
The main challenge of pairing cats and corgis is the excitability of this dog breed. Corgis have a strong instinct to chase and herd smaller animals. This may initially frighten a cat but may eventually become advantageous. Corgis and cats enjoy hunting and chasing games, so they will start to play together once bonded.
If you train and socialize a corgi, it can make a good companion for a cat. As corgis rarely experience separation anxiety, your pets will keep each other company if you are busy. Just take the time to train your corgi properly.
Can Corgis Live with Cats?
For any two animals to enjoy a harmonious lifestyle, they’ll need to get along. Mutual tolerance is essential when matching two unrelated species. Dogs and cats will speak different languages, after all.
This begs the question – do corgis like cats? Corgis are easygoing dogs that often enjoy positive relationships with other animals. Corgis are particularly popular as working dogs in Europe, especially on farms.
Consequently, corgis and cats share many characteristics. Both animals are intelligent and are usually of a similar size and stature. The only issue that may arise is due to instinct. Cats are territorial, and corgis are curious. Disputes over terrain may arise as a result.
The best way to pair cats with corgis is to take in both animals when they’re young. Puppies and kittens are equally playful. If the two animals grow up together, they’ll quickly learn to accept each other and become friends. Unfortunately, an age disparity will make the relationship dynamic more challenging.
What Is A Typical Corgi Temperament?
Corgis are beloved pets all over the world, thanks in no small part to their loving nature. Corgis are famed for their intelligence and loyalty. If your corgi befriends your cat, it will protect its feline friend from anything or anybody that would do it harm.
This intelligence can manifest as bossiness. Corgis are working dogs used for herding livestock. While this helps corgis get along with other animals, it also means they are prone to chasing and barking at smaller creatures.
If you have a nervous cat, this can lead to an uncomfortable dynamic. Equally, if your cat is particularly dominant, it will not take kindly to being ordered around by a corgi. Conflict may arise.
Are Corgis Friendly with Cats?
Contrary to what you may have heard, cats and dogs can live together, even becoming friendly. PLoS One confirms that the majority of inter-species roommates enjoy a friendly relationship. You’ll need to take steps to make the relationship work, though.
As discussed, corgis may chase cats on sight. Such actions are not born of ill intent. It is a case of the dog doing what comes naturally. Alas, cats will also respond instinctively. If the cat flees, the corgi will continue chasing. If the cat attacks, the corgi may fight back.
The best way to ensure that cats and corgis remain cordial is to meet the needs of both animals. In essence, you’ll need to provide a corgi with the physical exercise that it craves. Prevent too much exuberance, and the dynamic will remain on an even keel.

What Cat Breeds Match Best with Corgis?
If you aim to keep cats and corgis under the same roof, match your dog with an appropriate cat breed. As discussed, you’ll have the best success with a kitten. Young cats, by default, will fit the playful energy and mindset of a corgi.
Even among kittens, some cat breeds are considered more playful than others. The following breeds of feline will get along best with a corgi:
- Abyssinian – This mischievous, playful breed will share the corgi’s court jester attributes.
- American shorthair – The nation’s favorite feline enjoys the company of canines.
- Bengal – A Bengal cat will always be on the move and looking for attention. A corgi will provide this interaction.
- Japanese Bobtail – These cats enjoy chase and ball games, making them ideal companions for a dog.
- Maine Coon – The gentle giants of the cat world, this friendly breed will not be afraid of a corgi’s size.
Of course, we are painting in broad strokes here. Every cat will have its own persona, and any of these breeds may be nervous or antisocial. It’s rare, though. Most of the cats above will have no problem living with corgis.
Will Cats and Corgis Play Together?
Most corgis will be keen to befriend a cat. These dogs love company and play. Despite loving to cuddle, corgis rarely experience separation anxiety. Cats and corgis can amuse each other when you are unavailable.
Best of all, cats and corgis enjoy similar games. Just like felines, corgis have a strong prey drive. Both animals will find joy in chasing a laser pointer or stringed toy. Make solo time for both pets to prevent jealousy or resentment.
Most corgis will also not seek out rough-and-tumble play. Although corgis are a similar size to cats, they often weigh twice as much. You will not need to worry about corgis attempting to instigate a wrestling match.
Do Corgis Kills Cats?
Corgis are not aggressive animals unless mistreated. You should not have any concerns about leaving a bonded cat and corgi alone. The dog will not look to inflict any physical harm on the cat.
Do be aware that corgis are vocal. If a cat hisses or growls at a corgi, the dog will likely respond in kind. Loud barking can sound intimidating to a feline and intensify a conflict. Corgis may not be antagonistic, but neither are they pushovers.
If you have a resident cat that is unwelcoming to newcomers, a corgi may not be the ideal companion. At best, it will take time for the animals to bond. If bullied, a corgi will give as good as it gets. If a cat ignores a corgi, the dog will return the favor.
Introducing Corgis To Cats
If pairing cats and dogs in the same home, it’s advisable to house the canine first. Dogs are usually more welcoming of cats in their space than vice versa. As corgis are so strong-willed and excitable, they need one-on-one training time, especially as a puppy.
Once you have the corgi under control, introduce a cat. Ideally, this counterpart pet should be equally young. A kitten will welcome the playful energy of a corgi. An older cat is likelier to find this annoying at best, frightening and distressing at worst.
As with any introduction of disparate species, patience will be essential. Do not just throw the two animals together and expect them to be friends. The first meeting is likely to be soundtracked by barking, hissing, and growling.
Allow the cat and dog alike to learn the scent of their new housemate before physical interaction. Before encouraging them to meet face-to-face, take the corgi for a lengthy walk. Exercise will tire the dog out and make it less excitable.
Your corgi will still likely have an instinct to chase the cat. Corgis may not be much bigger than cats, but they’re large enough to act on instinct. Keep the corgi on its leash to restrict movement.
Let the animals sniff each other. Stay close in case a fight breaks out. The first meeting between cart and corgi should not create a dangerous precedent. With luck, both animals will ignore each other or even interact gently.
Offer a treat to the cat and the dog, so they consider each other a source of pleasure. Eventually, release the corgi from its leash and let them interact freely. Keep all doors open. If the corgi grows excited, the cat must be able to flee.
There is no hard-and-fast rule about how long it takes cats and corgis to become friendly. As a rule, the younger both animals are, the sooner this will happen. It depends on individual personas, though.

Managing the Needs of Corgis and Cats
A successful introduction of a cat and corgi is just the first step of a longer process. For these two animals to live harmoniously, both will need to have their needs met. Keeping both pets happy can be a balancing act.
On paper, cats and corgis have opposing requirements. Corgis tend to follow their owners around the house; cats prefer time alone. Corgis will play all day if they could; cats announce when they want interaction. Corgis are balls of energy; cats are comparatively lethargic.
Such differences can lead to an imbalance in the home. Do not disregard a cat in favor of focusing on a corgi. Cats may be more independent than dogs but still grow distressed if ignored by an owner. Make time for both pets.
The best way to do this is to allocate activities to each animal. Cats are crepuscular, most active at dawn at dusk. Happily, corgis will sleep in longer. Early mornings should belong to your cat. Offer food, play, petting, and grooming at the onset of the day.
Most cats will then sleep away the bulk of the day. The afternoon is the perfect opportunity to take your corgi on a long walk. If you are unable to do so due to work commitments, hire a dog walker. A lengthy stroll and playtime will tire out the corgi, meeting its exercise needs.
When the cat starts to stir again, becoming active with the onset of evening, your corgi will be relaxed. By exhausting the corgi, it will be comparatively docile by night. You can then return to focusing attention on your cat.
So, are corgis good with cats? Yes, if both pets are appropriately socialized. Nobody can account for the unique personas of any animal. Typically, corgis and cats are a good match in terms of size and temperament. As long as you treat both animals equally, they’ll usually get along fine.